9 Kelebihan Shutter Aluminium!


Nowadays, in home decoration, more and more people prefer shutters than traditional curtains. 

Compared with wooden and PVC material, aluminium shutters account for a high share of ion.


Why do aluminium shutters popular in home decoration? That’s because with 9 different advantages, aluminium shutters are outstanding among home decoration.

penutup aluminium

After showing you a wide variety application of aluminium shutters last week, we’d like to show you it’s 9 advantages this time.

pengatup tetap aluminium

Environment-friendly without formaldehyde

Nowadays, many frequently-used materials for home decoration like artificial panels, adhesives and wallpapers contain some percentage of the 4 main indoor pollutants: formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and radioactive substances.

YFA aluminium shutters are mostly made of aluminium alloy, assembled with screws and free from any adhesive, genuinely realizing the goal of 0% formaldehyde.

Aluminium material avoids the problem of peculiar smell from traditional timber or artificial panels, and helps to promote environment protection. With the development of science and technology, the idea of environment protection is also popularized rapidly. Easy to fabricate, aluminium material is preferred by more and more customers since it is recyclable, reusable, nonpolluting.

pengatup tetap luaran

Light Adjustable

Blades of YFA aluminium shutters can freely rotate within the angle of 6-166°. By adjusting the angles of the blades, daylight coming inward can be changed flexibly according to different time of the day and different seasons of the year, so as to create a comfortable atmosphere indoors and make people feel at ease.

penutup aluminium


Blades of aluminium shutters can be rotated by hand or by motor to change wind direction, and to control air volume coming inwards

Thus, indoor space can be ventilated properly, and risk of virus transmission through the air can be effectively reduced.

pengatup tetap aluminium

Damp-proof and Mildew-proof

YFA aluminium shutters can be used in various surroundings. Advanced powder-coating technology is applied to form the finish for better protection, so the shutters are damp-proof, mildew-proof and rustless forever.

pengatup tetap luaran


YFA aluminium shutters can completely block people’s vision from outdoors when all the shutter blades are closed, which creates a enclosure space and helps to protect personal privacy.

penutup aluminium

pengatup tetap aluminium

Long Service Life

The outside coating of YFA aluminium shutters is formed via advanced powder-coating technology, and able to pass the Outdoor Accelerated Exposure Test- Florida USA with a long service life of 30 years.

Berbanding dengan penutup kayu atau PVC, penutup aluminium bebas dari kerosakan makanan lembap dan ngengat, dengan ketahanan oksidasi dan ketahanan kakisan yang kuat.

pengatup tetap luaran

Mudah Dibersihkan dan Dijaga

Lapisan luar penutup aluminium YFA mampu mengekalkan warna yang sama lama tanpa pengelupasan. Walaupun lapisan ditutup dengan lapisan debu yang tebal, sedikit lap dengan kain boleh menjadikannya bersih dan berkilat . Sekiranya penutup dipasang di luar rumah, hujan dapat menyelesaikan sebahagian besar pembersihan dan membersihkan habuk pada lapisan.

penutup aluminium

Bergaya dan Cantik

Pelbagai jenis warna dapat diedit untuk penutup aluminium YFA. Adalah lebih mudah bagi pelanggan untuk menyesuaikan gaya hiasan rumah mereka dan memenuhi keperluan masing-masing.

pengatup tetap aluminium

Tahan api

Titik lebur aloi penutup aluminium YFA adalah sehingga 660 ℃ , benar-benar tahan api. Walaupun PVC tidak mudah terbakar melebihi kayu yang mudah terbakar, ia masih jauh lebih rendah daripada aloi aluminium.

Polivinil klorida (PVC), bahan yang tidak mudah terbakar, terbakar dalam api, tetapi berhenti terbakar dari api. Ia menghasilkan sejumlah besar gas beracun seperti hidrogen klorida dan dioksin, yang mengakibatkan korban bencana kebakaran.

Tidak seperti PVC dan kayu, penutup aluminium tidak menghasilkan gas beracun, atau terbakar dalam api.

pengatup tetap luaran

Aluminium Shutters adalah rakan kongsi terbaik anda dalam hiasan rumah.

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut:  http://www.yfa.tm/product-list/aluminium-shutter

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